Gach Catagóir
Plastic Caps

Baile /  Gach Catagóir  /  Caipíní Plaisteacha

PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap
PP With Holes Plastic Spice Bottle Cap

PP Le Poill Plaisteach Spice Buidéal Cap

Bróisiúr Táirge:

Recycled PP with holes plastic spice bottle cap plastic caps for food packaging cap
  • Réamhrá

Ainm táirge: caipín PP

Teicniúil: mhúnlú insteallta

Úsáidte le haghaidh buidéal :p lastic

Dearadh: OEM

Priontáil LOGO, lipéad: inghlactha



Cuardach Gaolmhar


Téigh i dteagmháil

An bhfuil Ceisteanna agat faoi Zhenghao Plastic & Mould?

Tá ár bhfoireann díolacháin ghairmiúil ag fanacht le do chomhairliúchán.