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Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles
Wide Mouth Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles

Breiður munnhólkur Glær plastflöskur


Empty Wide Mouth 100ml 180ml 250ml 500ml 1000ml Cylinder Clear Plastic Bottles With Screw Cap
  • Kynning

Plast Tegund: PET

Yfirborðsmeðhöndlun: skjáprentun

Þéttingargerð: skrúftappi

Efni :P ET

Eiginleiki: matur bekk

The Wide Mouth Cylinder Glær plastflöskur eru hágæða, endurnýtanleg og létt umbúðaílát sem eru sérhönnuð fyrir fjölhæfa notkun í matvæla- og drykkjariðnaði. Þessar flöskur eru unnar úr pólýetýlen tereftalati (PET) í matvælum og eru með breitt munnop sem auðveldar fyllingu, skömmtun og hreinsun, á meðan strokkalögun þeirra býður upp á skilvirka geymslulausn með sléttu, nútímalegu útliti.

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