Il-Kategoriji kollha
 Sauce Bottle

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Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle
Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle

Ketchup Agħfas Flixkun tal-plastik

Fuljett tal-Prodott:

Plastic Squeeze Condiment Bottles 380ml Ketchup And BBQ Plastic Tomato Sauce Dispensers Bottle With Twist On Lid
  • Introduzzjoni

Immaniġġjar tal-wiċċ: Stampar tal-iskrin
Tip ta 'Siġillar: GĦATU TAL-EKWIPAĠĠ
Isem tal-plastik: flixkun tal-plastik sauce
Materjal: LDPE
Karatteristika: grad tal-ikel
Użati għal: zalza
Stampar tal-logo: stampar sceen tal-ħarir
Inġenji: infiħ

Ketchup Squeeze Plastic Bottle details


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