Il-Kategoriji kollha
Face Care Bottle

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PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle
PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle

PET tal-plastik tal-kura tal-ġilda flixkun oħxon tas-serum tal-ħajt bi flixkun tat-toner tal-ivvjaġġar tal-pompa

Fuljett tal-Prodott:

20ML 30ML 50ML 90ML 110ML 130ML Thick Wall Flat Shoulders Round PET Facial Serum Oil Bottle
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Immaniġġjar tal-wiċċ: Stampar tal-iskrin
Tip ta 'Siġillar: GĦATU TAL-EKWIPAĠĠ
Immaniġġjar tal-Istampar: Stampar tal-iskrin tal-ħarir
Kulur: Kulur Personalizzat
Logo: Logo Personalizzat
OEM / ODM: Iva!
Materjal: PET

PET plastic skincare thick wall serum bottle with pump travel toner bottle  factory



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